I was drawn to brand strategy…
because I saw it help organizations discover who they are and why they exist.
I read lots of books, spent time learning from much smarter people than I, and tried my hand at building brands from the inside out. Sometimes I fell, but sometimes I excelled.
One of my very few strengths lies in being able to listen to brands and pull out the most important bits. When I learned where to put those bits to create a whole, cohesive brand, it all unlocked for me.
Listen first, Then categorize, organize, and execute.
I love to develop strategy that aligns with business goals, build visuals and activate channels that support that sometimes tricky combination. I love people and I love putting together teams to help me move a brand into living its best life.
I’ve worked with big brands and small, but they’re all equally important to me.
Some of the brands are Coca-Cola, National Institute of Standards and Technology, CASA Nashville, Journeys, Deloitte, Prince’s Hot Chicken, Goo Goo, Viacom, and more.
But other than that…
I have an amazing wife and two awesome little girls. I used to be a semi-pro drummer, I love learning ASL, and occasionally engage in American style boxing and mixed martial arts.